Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Art of Possibility Rosamund and Benjamin Zander 2000

I find it intriguing that the author references the use of art to bring a human face to institutions (business, govt, religious, education) and build interpersonal connections. So many in these realms look at art as something performed by different “special” people in its assigned place, whether it be a gallery, concert hall, stage or museum. I spent 25 years helping students discover the artist within them whether they expressed themselves with photography or on stage, knowing full well that their experience would be memorable and hopefully useful as they continued to learn and grow. Their world is changed by discovering this ability, and ideally it is shared with others on their journey.

I am currently on a different journey than I have ever embarked upon previously with no real maps or guides to follow. To quote songwriter Paul Simon “my mind’s distracted and diffused”, and I do believe this book is exactly the discovery I need to “transform my entire world”.

I appreciate Roz’s description of her trip down the Kennebec. Having taken that trip several times as a chaperone of students and once with my father for his 60th birthday present, I have found few experiences as simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating. While I was never thrown from the raft, I watched a student with much bravado get tossed in the class 5 rapids the author describes, visions of her very protective father not wanting to give her permission and me telling him how safe it was flashing through my head as the guide scooped her up and pulled her back in. Or my father not only remembering to keep his “toes to nose” upon getting dumped, but never letting go of his paddle in class 4 rapids lest the competing rafting crews get it for a souvenir. Obviously both of these adventures could have turned out terribly, as could the rest of our lives if we fail to take chances and live. And that is what you remember and grow from in the end, facing fears and the unknown to experience living. Must admit am feeling a bit out of the boat myself, but am not looking back or for excuses as to why this is, but forward to what is the next opportunity. How fitting to be reminded that it is all invented anyway, and to have the encouragement of this quote “we might as well invent a framework of meaning that enhances our quality of life and the life of those around us”. I appreciate the inclusion of those around us, especially now when technology can leave us so disconnected from human contact. Perhaps that is why web 2.0 has gained the popularity it enjoys as it gives us so many ways of somehow trying to stay connected.

As with all things will try to keep in perspective and simplify, trying my best to not make assumptions or judgements about what I experience. Invent possibility, not look around for them. This sounds harder than it sounds, if that makes any sense.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reminded of a quote from the Lord of Rings where Frodo talks about the dangers of going on "adventures" saying something like, one never knows what will happen when one decides to venture out past ones front door. We can either stay home in our little hobbit-hole or go outside and see what happens. :-)
