Sunday, May 2, 2010
week 4 response to Rita M's post
Week 4 response to Amy B's post
Week 4_Choice
- glstrom said...
That is such an important insight Amy because as anyone who teaches knows, unless you have there attention, nothing gets accomplished. Especially challenging as a 6th grade teacher, but then again it is an age with much enthusiasm and energy if channelled in a creative and flexible manner...looks like you have both things going for you!
Week 4 Dream job
Interestingly enough I spent the last 23 years as a photography teacher developing (pun intended :) my ideal teaching environment. In 1986 I started with 6 students in photo club and converted an 10 x 20 book room into a photography darkroom. Over the next few years the program grew exponentially till it was the most requested full time class consisting of 3 levels, 6 periods a day with a separate darkroom and digital classroom. Radio playing and zipping about looking at negatives, test strips, scans, Photoshop projects, hand coloring, mounting and framing activities made for an exciting and interactive environment that most found memorable and fun. Of course if I were to truly dream, each student would have a digital slr with an assortment of lenses, their own Macbook pro with Adobe CS5 loaded and double period every day for every class! Maybe in my next teaching adventure because as they say, dreams really do come true if we believe.
Week 4 Art of Possibility..Being the Board
Week 4 Obama hope poster Thoughts on tech/media history

Interestingly enough I had just finished writing about the abundance of content on the internet, and how it is difficult for any one image to stand out and become iconic these days. Of course the original Mannie Garcia photograph would have most likely remained quite obscure as, while a quality photo (effective w flag backdrop) there are hundreds of thousands of photographs of Barack Obama. What graphic artist Shepard Fairey did was immortalize the image in the modern day speed of the internet and digital technology. Interestingly enough it also spawned an application in Facebook where you could Obamasize your very own photo, making the sharing and recreation of content complete. So who should get credit and who should get paid, if anyone. Seems it was a group effort, and to be sure while Obama probably doesn't receive royalties for its' reproduction, he is the model in the image, and the popularity perhaps helped propel him to the presidency...thus his reward. As for the photographers, Yes, Shepard Fairey created something unique, but credit must be given, and some financial compensation if possible should be paid to the creator of the image. As much as I hate to admit, this is a case for the lawyers or Creative Commons to work out so a win win situation can be reached. Without this, why would anyone bother to work hard to create new content just to have it taken by unscrupulous individuals for financial gain.
Obama photo: Mannie Garcia (AP)/Obama image: Shepherd Fairey, retrieved from on 05/02/2010
Great thoughts Taylor! I want to share the WE chapter with my husband -personally I think he or excuse me - we will gain from it.
But, you are right about making sure in the classroom the kids realize that we are in it together and we are there for a reason and that is for all of us to succeed.
Interesting thoughts Rita and so true. It shouldn't take educators long to figure out that if you insist on being in charge and adopt a me vs them mentality your authority will be challenged at every turn. No one likes to be told what to do in a demanding way and will often merely comply to avoid getting in trouble or failing. We both have learned that by including ourselves in the experience eliminates some of the walls that keep us from truly sharing what we know. In teaching theater I made it clear that I would never have them do anything on stage that I wasn't comfortable doing myself (often demonstrating w some comical results) thus sharing the creative energy back and forth with a foundation of trust that WE will enjoy this experience.