I can understand how this would be adequate for a blog entry as it involves some thought and deliberation to identify the most suitable site in which to publish. I am not sure however if I can honestly stretch this into 3 separate blog entries, so apologies for not following the letter of the assignment.
As I look at the various journals that may be suitable I was first attracted to the International Society for Technology in Education or ISTE. More specifically, the JRTE, formerly the Journal of Research on Computing in Education. My concern is that the focus of my AR project was just that, action research. It wasn't a professionally written paper with journal posting aspirations in mind. That being said, I realize (and am grateful) that we have month 12 to get this put together in a presentable fashion that would be worthy of submission to professional journals. While my research was not ground breaking, it did practically deal with the issue of education new digital learners, and offer some techniques and observations for making this a successful endeavor. I hope that pulling it together in APA format will give it the format necessary without removing the practical uses for which it was created and intended.
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